Testing the basement flight simulator

on Wednesday, June 19th, 2024 3:46 | by

Before collecting the actual data I make sure that the flight simulator in the basement does its thing ;) Here are the test runs with wtb flies for different protocols:

—>> yaw torque

–>> switch mode

–>> habit formation

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General behavior of the MBON-2

on Monday, August 31st, 2020 12:54 | by

I wanted to expand and look into some general behavior of the mbon-2 flies. Mostly as a complement to the already existing data.

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Progress week 26-28

on Monday, July 13th, 2020 1:39 | by

Updates in DTS code

Refreshing dissection skills

Tdc2-Gal4 expression in adult brain
Actin-GFP expression in adult brain

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Overview of Coombe’s Paper

on Monday, July 16th, 2018 11:39 | by

LMC L1 and L2 Paper

(Coombe, P.E., 1986)


  1. mass electrical response of the eye
  2. waveform consisting of summed extracellular potentials produced by retinula cells and postsynaptic neurons
  3. recorded by electrodes
  4. waveform consists of on transient, negative sustained potential and off transient

L1 and L2

  1. Two main reasons to select study upon these two:
    1. Only lamina neurons which are known electrophysiology
    2. Intracellular waveforms roughly correspond to ERG transients

Vam mutants

  1. Vam = Vacuolar medulla
  2. Semi-dominant mutation (Incomplete dominance)
  3. Characterized by formation of large vacuoles and absence of ERG transients

(Electron Micrographs from the lamina) (ERG)

ERG waveform and LMC degeneration

  1. No wt showed degeneration of LMC
  2. Negative nonlinear relationship between % of LMC degeneration and the size of on/off transients in Vam flies



  1. Previous work has shown age-specific degeneration of LMC in the lamina.
  2. Signs of degeneration start to appear in the form of large vacuoles in medulla and lamina.
  3. LMC may be responsible for ERG transients
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First glance at PKG effect on self-learning and long term memory

on Monday, January 23rd, 2017 2:51 | by

There are two strains of drosophila prepared: PKG-rover(R), PKG-sitter(S). Each strain is supposed to test PI in 3 phases: no training, training, long term+no training. The following data show PKG-sitter flying trace and PI. Since there weren’t many flies in the first week, and they pause flying very often in the experiment, so there is only one single fly was tested successfully. Since the torque meter drifted on the next day, the long term result is quite debatable.



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Error bars in experimental biology

on Tuesday, September 20th, 2011 7:25 | by

Just came across this all-time classic paper from 2007. Every student of biology should be familiar with it!

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