Planned experiments
on Monday, December 21st, 2020 11:37 | by Simon Benmaamar
Category: Rover/Sitter, Uncategorized | No Comments
Crossing Schemes: Differential dominance of tBh allele
on Monday, December 14th, 2020 1:41 | by Sayani Banerjee
Category: Uncategorized | No Comments
FoxP knockout in adult flies
on Monday, December 14th, 2020 12:06 | by Andreas Ehweiner
Knockout of FoxP in adult Drosophila, using nsyb Gal4 gen-switch line 80699. Flies were kept for two days on RU486 food.

Category: flight, Foxp, Memory, Operant learning, operant self-learning, Uncategorized | No Comments
further work on pcdf6 cloning, second experiment on larvae locomotion
on Monday, December 7th, 2020 12:33 | by Sarah-Lynn Stratil
PCR pCDF6 Primer
-12.5 µl primer reverse/forward
-5 µl dNTPs
-2.5 µl Polymerase
-0.57 µl pCDF6 undigested
-50 µl Q5 buffer
-166.93 µl H2O
Agarose-gel electrophoresis
E.Z.N.A. Gel Extraction
pCDF6 NEBuilder Assembly Reaction
-pcr1: 4.85 ng -> 0.88 µl
-pcr2: 4.24 ng -> 1.5 µl
-pcr3: 4.87 ng -> 1.6 µl
-pCDF6 digested: 100 ng -> 2.8 µl
-H2O: 3.22 µl
-10 µl NEBuilder HiFi DNA Assembly Master Mix/Control
heat shock transformation of the construct into competent E.coli cells
-> plated on LB0+Amp plates
-> no colonies

experimental: ELAV-Gal4 x UAS-Cas9-gRNA (n=23)
Category: Foxp, Uncategorized | No Comments
Local FoxP knock out
on Monday, November 16th, 2020 8:47 | by Andreas Ehweiner
Category: flight, Foxp, Operant learning, operant self-learning, Uncategorized | No Comments
New evaluation of the Rover/Sitter larvae
on Thursday, November 5th, 2020 12:34 | by Simon Benmaamar

Percentage of Sitter and Rover larvae, who stayed on the first food patch after 20 minutes.
Course Evaluation

Category: Rover/Sitter, Uncategorized | No Comments
First evaluation of the Rover/Sitter larvae
on Monday, November 2nd, 2020 11:17 | by Simon Benmaamar
I have tested 514 larvae from the forR/forS Control Group and 480 larvae from the forR/forS Crowded Group. Here are the results:

Category: Rover/Sitter, Uncategorized | No Comments
New review of the shiming-setup
on Monday, October 26th, 2020 1:56 | by Andreas Ehweiner
Recent wtb test

There often seems to be a strong preference for a side. The laser was off.

Flies often seem to have a strong preferenc for a side. In the imiage below the top fly was punished for left torque and survived, the fly below was punished for the right torque side and died.

Trails with drift

Category: flight, Memory, Operant learning, operant self-learning, set-up test, Uncategorized | No Comments
Ato x Cas9FoxP
on Monday, August 31st, 2020 9:16 | by Andreas Ehweiner
Knockout of FoxP in Ato.

Category: Uncategorized | No Comments
Progress week 26-28
on Monday, July 13th, 2020 1:39 | by Anders Eriksson
Updates in DTS code

Refreshing dissection skills

Category: Anatomy, genetics, Lab, neuronal activation, personal, R code, science, Uncategorized | No Comments