Progress week 26-28

on Monday, July 13th, 2020 1:39 | by

Updates in DTS code

Refreshing dissection skills

Tdc2-Gal4 expression in adult brain
Actin-GFP expression in adult brain

Statistical evaluation of OR

on Monday, May 25th, 2020 12:23 | by

Recently I measured the optomotor response in T4/T5 flies. As expected, they did not respond to the optomotor stimulus as seen in the left chart below. However, statistical evaluation struggles to quantify this difference. It might be that this is because of the low sample size, or that we are using the wrong statistical analysis?

Results from rescreen

on Monday, May 4th, 2020 1:49 | by

Some issues with UAS-TNT control

on Monday, April 20th, 2020 1:57 | by

I experienced some issues with the first batch of the UAS-TNT control flies, theyh ad a very low learning curve. The second batched looked fine but the still have a slightly lower learning PI during Test1 than I want.

Motion blindness in T4/T5 using Optomotor Response

on Tuesday, March 31st, 2020 1:48 | by

T4/T5 driver line was crossed TNT line to test for motion blindness using the optomoter response assay. While the controls respond perfectly fine to the rotating striped arena the T4/T5 flies are seemingly unaware of it. Sample size for T4/T5 flies is still a bit low. However, as this is only a trial experiment for the drosophila course I consider it successful.

Waiting for crosses to hatch

on Wednesday, February 26th, 2020 1:46 | by

  1. ato-Gal4 x conditional KO —> Removing FoxP in Dorsal Cluster Neurons for Buridan
  2. cmpy-Gal4 x conditional KO —> Removing FoxP in Protocerebral Bridge for Buridan
  3. temperature switch at embryo stage but shorter time —> for replicating the KO phenotype
  4. LexA + Gal4 together to analyze larval brain (I have always considered larvae except for this experiment, so I am doing it to be more complete)

Furthermore, for not loosing time this week I did:

  1. Leipzig presentation
  2. Wrote a bit of results for paper/thesis

T-maze screen with yellow light

on Monday, February 3rd, 2020 12:57 | by

Crossings I did this week

on Tuesday, January 7th, 2020 11:57 | by

  1. Protocerebral bridge lines X CD8-GFP
  2. C380-Gal4 X UAS-gFOXP;UAS-Cas9 (+ 2 controls)
  3. stinger;Foxp-iB X FoxP-KO

Category: crosses, Foxp | No Comments

Strokelitude – New Findings and Recordings (1.-7. Apr.)

on Monday, April 8th, 2019 1:14 | by

Last week (1.-7.Apr 2019) we noted how many flies want to fly more than 8 min and here is the result (only the ones we noted):
– Wild type: 8/9 (88%)
– ElavGal4 x UAS-Ryr 28919: 3/12 (25%)
– ElavGal4 x UAS-Ryr 65885: 6/35 (17%)

Trace (Downsampled 5) Graphs of Recordings

Wild type:

ElavGal4 x UAS-Ryr 28919:

ElavGal4 x UAS-Ryr 65885:

Strokelitude 5 New Rec

on Monday, April 1st, 2019 2:54 | by

New Findings:

Elav-Gal4 x UAS-SERCA 44581 flies => Lethal before adulthood! (in all 5 vials so far)

Elav-Gal4 x Ryr 65885
Elav-Gal4 x Ryr 28919
Elav-Gal4 x Ryr 28919
Elav-Gal4 x Ryr 28919
Elav-Gal4 x Ryr 28919