General behavior of the MBON-2

on Monday, August 31st, 2020 12:54 | by

I wanted to expand and look into some general behavior of the mbon-2 flies. Mostly as a complement to the already existing data.

Progress Week 29

on Monday, July 20th, 2020 1:38 | by

-Introduced Sayani to the wonderful world of Drosophila

-Been doing some DTS coding

-Preparing flies to do optomotor response for Mathias Raß

Progress for week 25:

on Monday, June 22nd, 2020 1:58 | by

DTS coding
-Added progressbar for data validation
-Updated the progress bar (see figure 1)
-Fixed bug with wrong sample size (see figure 2)
-Fixed bug with unorganized barplots (see figure 2)

Figure 1. Updated progress bar
Figure 2. Correct sample size and restructured barplot

Exp always to the right:
plotOMparams <- plotOMparams[order(plotOMparams$desc),]
plotOMparams$group <- factor(plotOMparams$group, levels=paste(unique(plotOMparams$group)))

Samplesize fix:
samplesizes.annotate(boxes, as.numeric(table(plotOMparams$desc)))

progress <- c(round(l(100/(length(xml_list)))),round(flycount(100/(totalflies))))

-Finished rescreening last Thursday. Started to evaluate the new data

Optomotor platform: Ran a few more tests to confirm that the machine was still working, it is. I also adjusted the 0 line so that it is at 0, by readjusting the “zero line” screw. Looks much better now but it is still not perfectly at 0. A difference 0.1 on the computer screen translates to 100 in the evaluation chart.

Optomotor platform:
Ran a few more tests to confirm that the 0 line is always at 0. Readjusted the “zero line” screw. Looks much better now. It is still not perfectly at 0 but a difference of 0.1 in the chart translates to 100 in the evaluation graph.

Statistical evaluation of OR

on Monday, May 25th, 2020 12:23 | by

Recently I measured the optomotor response in T4/T5 flies. As expected, they did not respond to the optomotor stimulus as seen in the left chart below. However, statistical evaluation struggles to quantify this difference. It might be that this is because of the low sample size, or that we are using the wrong statistical analysis?

Motion blindness in T4/T5 using Optomotor Response

on Tuesday, March 31st, 2020 1:48 | by

T4/T5 driver line was crossed TNT line to test for motion blindness using the optomoter response assay. While the controls respond perfectly fine to the rotating striped arena the T4/T5 flies are seemingly unaware of it. Sample size for T4/T5 flies is still a bit low. However, as this is only a trial experiment for the drosophila course I consider it successful.

Optomotor response works consistently with old platform

on Friday, March 20th, 2020 3:23 | by

The old platform works a lot more consistently compared to the new one. Unless major improvements are seen I do not see any reason to update it.

Updates on optomotor response software

on Friday, March 20th, 2020 3:19 | by

  • Added a timer
  • Previous version generated faulty xml files. This bug has been squashed (see image below)
  • Display window of the software now also prints which direction the striped arena turns
The highlighted red areas are the ones that caused issues. Contingency has also been added to the xml file from the optomotor response (not shown). This did not cause any errors when running the DTS analysis Rscript but I thought it looked nicer having it there.

New optomotor platform not yet optimized

on Monday, March 16th, 2020 1:42 | by

A new platform have been designed for the optomotor response. It is placed on a pivot with the axis attached on the back. In contrast to the previous design witch only monitored movement in the left/right direction, the new design in theory allows the fly to rotate the platform.

Optomotor evaluation

on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 1:51 | by