Creating gRNAs via PCR

on Friday, July 7th, 2023 6:38 | by

1% Agarose gel with 100bp marker and PCR1 rsh, PCR2 rsh and PCR3 rsh or PCR1 rut, PCR2 rut and PCR3 rut, respectively.
The template pCFD6 was used with a concentration of 640 pg/µl.
1% Agarose gel with 100bp marker and PCR1 rsh, PCR2 rsh and PCR3 rsh or PCR1 rut, PCR2 rut and PCR3 rut, respectively.
The template pCFD6 was used with a concentration of 64 pg/µl (1:10 dilution).
1% Agarose gel with 100bp marker and PCR1 rsh, PCR2 rsh and PCR3 rsh or PCR1 rut, PCR2 rut and PCR3 rut, respectively.
The template pCFD6 was used with a concentration of 64 pg/µl (1:10 dilution).
50µl of 5xQ5 High GC Enhancer was added to the PCR mix.
1% Agarose gel with 100bp marker and PCR1 rsh, PCR1 rut.
The template pCFD6 was used with a concentration of 128 pg/µl (1:5 dilution).
50µl of 5xQ5 High GC Enhancer was added to the PCR mix.
1% Agarose gel with 100bp marker and PCR1 rsh, PCR2 rsh and PCR3 rsh or PCR1 rut, PCR2 rut and PCR3 rut, respectively.
The template pCFD6 was used with a concentration of 640 pg/µl.
The Phusion DNA Polymerase was used instead of the Q5 High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase.

Flight Duration

on Monday, January 30th, 2023 12:40 | by

TntG expression
TntE expression

Kibra knockout, adult

on Monday, December 19th, 2022 11:15 | by

Knockout of Kibra in adult flies.

Kibra developmental knockout

on Monday, September 5th, 2022 9:39 | by

Knockout of Kibra during development.

Enes and Aslıhan joystick results of ATR and NOATR Control, ATR SifaG4 and ATR 13.0273 for yellow light.

on Wednesday, August 24th, 2022 10:32 | by

New experiments added for yellow light, ATR and NOATR Control group, ATR Sifa-G4 and ATR 13.0273-Gal4.

Enes and Aslıhan Joystick Experiment of Control groups , Sifa-G4, 13.0273-Gal4

on Monday, August 22nd, 2022 11:48 | by

These are the result of Joystick experiements of Control group with ATR and without ATR yellow and red light, SifaG4 group with ATR, yellow and red light, 13.0273Gal4 group with ATR, yellow and red light.

Enes & Aslı & Melis Control Groups

on Thursday, August 18th, 2022 10:38 | by

These are Joystick results of Control group flies with and without ATR, yellow and red light.


on Monday, July 18th, 2022 9:15 | by


on Monday, July 18th, 2022 9:13 | by

aPKCdelta blind half time experiment

on Monday, May 23rd, 2022 1:19 | by

Progress report on the aPKCdelta experiment with half the time (1min period)
Blind experiment with Group A&B; One with Ru486 and one without