T-Maze experiments : screen results as on 16-07-2018

on Monday, July 16th, 2018 1:32 | by

Results of the T-maze screen analysis, both individual and combined.

Yellow 1 (Positive Control): Gr28bd-G4, TrpA1-G4

Parameters: Light: intensity (500 Lux side, 1000 Lux bottom); frequency = 20Hz; Delay = 1 ms; Duration = 9.9 ms; volts = 6.4

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Tmaze Exploratory analysis : Middle Flies

on Monday, July 2nd, 2018 2:08 | by

plotting the mean ratio of flies which stay in the middle during experiment.


Yellow 1 (Positive Control):  Gr28bd-G4, TrpA1-G4

Light: intensity (500 Lux side, 1000 Lux bottom)

frequency = 20Hz

Delay = 1 ms

Duration = 9.9 ms

volts = 6.4

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T-Maze experiments : screen results as on 25-06-2018

on Monday, June 25th, 2018 1:13 | by

Yellow 1 (Positive Control):  Gr28bd-G4, TrpA1-G4

Light: intensity (500 Lux side, 1000 Lux bottom)

frequency = 20Hz

Delay = 1 ms

Duration = 9.9 ms

volts = 6.4

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Crosses for isogenize FoxP-IsoB-Gal4 line

on Tuesday, June 19th, 2018 12:13 | by

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Category: crosses, Foxp | No Comments

Initial screen results

on Monday, June 18th, 2018 1:15 | by

Yellow 1 (Positive Control):  Gr28bd-G4, TrpA1-G4

Light: intensity (500 Lux side, 1000 Lux bottom), frequency (20Hz)

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Tmaze experiments : Test for Blindness and Comparison with positive control

on Monday, June 11th, 2018 12:45 | by

Comparison between White 1 ( Control (NorpA- UAS Chrimson)) and Yellow 1 (Positive Control ( Gr28bd-G4, TrpA1-G4).

To test whether the flies are really blind, and there is no problem with the NorpA part of the construct, we compare with NorpA,UAS GTACR1 ; NorpA,UAS GTACR2 ; and another stock of NorpA-UAS-Chrimson.


Weighted mean is calculated by multiplying the weights (total number of flies in that experiment/total number of flies in all the experiments) with the PI for that experiment, and taking the sum thereafter for all the experiments.

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CD8-GFP x FoxP-IsoB_Gal4

on Friday, June 8th, 2018 11:47 | by

Not confocal immages (going to the confocal this week)

The construct I am analyzing is the FoxP-IsoB_Gal4, so with the Gal4 inserted in the 8th exon


Adult VNC

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Category: crosses, Foxp | No Comments

quality test before strokelitude experiments

on Monday, January 29th, 2018 12:40 | by

Some traces from this week just so that you have an idea how do they look like. To me they are not the optimal traces I expected. But one can see some signal there. I will start the screen hoping to get enough good traces without too much work.

what do you think is the best quality control for accepting a trace for the analysis or not. I was thinking the 3D mapping gives a good hint but without quantification.

In addition I was writting to Andi Straw to solve the issue of running two cameras in the same computers, but now answer

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SMAP results

on Monday, October 9th, 2017 2:34 | by

These are the results of the SMAP for the TNTxWTB. I also have done a few for the c105;;c232xWTB but there is not much to say. I would say that the cleanest lines show a bigger slope, but prone to subjectiveness.

In addition, I have done some animations of the attractors that I have posted on slack because of size.

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Usage of TrpA with infrared lamp

on Wednesday, February 13th, 2013 11:40 | by

As a pilot for future experiments I tried to reproduce results from Keene et al., 2012. There, they substituted sugar by a laser to provoke PER after 24h of starvation (females, one week old). In TH-GAL4 they found 100% response when they pointed the laser to head or thorax. In tdc2-GAL4 indeed they found 50% of flies responding to heat but only when the laser was pointed to the thorax but not to the head.
Since we do not have this kind of laser, they used, I played around with an infrared light. Flies were fixed to hooks and a clamp as always. First, there was given a filter paper soaked with EVIAN-water (negative control), then there were 10s of heat (36-38°C), afterwards two positive controls: 30% sucrose on the legs and finally on the labellum.
In the figure, you can see that I am able to reproduce the methods with an infrared lamp instead of a laser. The TH-GAL4 flies crossed to TrpA respond much more to heat compared to the controls (see figure in blue and red). The proboscis extension appears already after a few seconds.
Unfortunately, I could not reproduce the results for tdc2-GAL4 (see figure in green). There was no response to heat found at all. (tdc2-GAL4 has to be ok, because I see fluorescence when crossed to GCaMP). Interestingly, the flies did not respond as strong to the 30% sucrose as expected. The starvation may have to be longer to increase motivation?
Next step will be to see a phenotype that can be seen by activating tdc2-GAL4. That may be PER after longer starvation or flight behavior.


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