Bachelor Blog / #4 is there something?
on Monday, August 7th, 2023 2:13 | by Ellie
The offspring of my first experimental fly cohort finally hatched! Below you find a few first pre-tests I ran last week :)
First, here are the results of a quick test to see if the offspring shows a preference for the parentally trained side after the first training period:

After that I played around with the laser a little bit to find the learning threshhold. I set the laser on 2,6V but the results I got look a bit weird:

-> untrained wtb flies

-> offspring of trained wtb flies
I´m optimistic however there is still a lot of work to do…
Category: flight, Habit formation, Memory, Operant learning, operant self-learning, Optomotor response, R code, Spontaneous Behavior, transgenerational epigenetic inheritance
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