Progress for week 25:
on Monday, June 22nd, 2020 1:58 | by Anders Eriksson
DTS coding
-Added progressbar for data validation
-Updated the progress bar (see figure 1)
-Fixed bug with wrong sample size (see figure 2)
-Fixed bug with unorganized barplots (see figure 2)

Exp always to the right: plotOMparams <- plotOMparams[order(plotOMparams$desc),]
plotOMparams$group <- factor(plotOMparams$group, levels=paste(unique(plotOMparams$group)))
Samplesize fix:samplesizes.annotate(boxes, as.numeric(table(plotOMparams$desc)))
Progressbar: progress <- c(round(l(100/(length(xml_list)))),round(flycount(100/(totalflies))))
-Finished rescreening last Thursday. Started to evaluate the new data
Optomotor platform: Ran a few more tests to confirm that the machine was still working, it is. I also adjusted the 0 line so that it is at 0, by readjusting the “zero line” screw. Looks much better now but it is still not perfectly at 0. A difference 0.1 on the computer screen translates to 100 in the evaluation chart.
Optomotor platform:
Ran a few more tests to confirm that the 0 line is always at 0. Readjusted the “zero line” screw. Looks much better now. It is still not perfectly at 0 but a difference of 0.1 in the chart translates to 100 in the evaluation graph.
Category: Lab, Optomotor response, R code, Uncategorized | No Comments
Recent experiments
on Monday, June 22nd, 2020 1:52 | by Andreas Ehweiner
Category: flight, Foxp, operant self-learning, set-up test, Uncategorized | No Comments
color change
on Monday, May 11th, 2020 11:38 | by Ottavia Palazzo
Category: Uncategorized | No Comments
FoxP cond
on Monday, April 20th, 2020 2:43 | by Andreas Ehweiner
Category: Uncategorized | No Comments
New problems with the set-up
on Wednesday, April 15th, 2020 8:46 | by Andreas Ehweiner
The measuring device needed repairing, after aperently some glued part got loosloosened and produced no signal anymore. The divice is now producing a signal again, but it is shifted.

The direction of the fly seems to be the main thing. Same fly faceing to the laser (left) and away (right)

Category: flight, Uncategorized | No Comments
Updates on optomotor response software
on Friday, March 20th, 2020 3:19 | by Anders Eriksson
- Added a timer
- Previous version generated faulty xml files. This bug has been squashed (see image below)
- Display window of the software now also prints which direction the striped arena turns

Category: Optomotor response, R code, Uncategorized | No Comments
Control cross
on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 1:20 | by Andreas Ehweiner
Control cross of UAS-Cas9;UAS-gFoxP with ELAV-GAL4;UAS-Cas9 is working. Flys are not able to fly and are walking poorly.
Control cross of Hs-Gal4 with UAS-Stinger is still not working.
Category: Uncategorized | No Comments
UASCas9;UASgFoxP X ElavG4;TubGal80
on Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 1:13 | by Andreas Ehweiner
Update on coditional FoxP manipulation. Either no manipulation at 18°c or switch to 30°c for adult flys.

Bottom: no switch in temperatur
Category: Foxp, Memory, Operant learning, operant self-learning, Uncategorized | No Comments
UASCas9;UASgFoxP X ElavG4;UASCas9 or ElavG4;TubGal80
on Monday, February 3rd, 2020 1:22 | by Andreas Ehweiner
First data of conditional FoxP temperature switch in adult flys

Category: flight, Foxp, Operant learning, operant self-learning, Uncategorized | No Comments
Fluorescence histogram
on Monday, January 27th, 2020 1:48 | by Anders Eriksson

Proof of concept. I was playing around with ImageJ and found that there is a built in function already that does analyze the fluorescence intensity. I am just not sure exactly what it tells us. This is only as far as I have gotten yet.
The image below is the one I used.
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