Results for Dop1R1-RNAi, Amon-RNAi and the course data

on Tuesday, May 21st, 2024 8:11 | by

Firstly, I did an experiment where Dop1R1 was knocked down via RNAi. The following shows the results:

For the next experiment, the controls groups were the same, however in the experimental group Amon was down regulated. These are the results:

Lastly, in the course the data for the larvae experiment was collected only under blue light, so I used the same crossings and tested them under red light to use as a control.

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Results for MB145B, SS01716 and SS02180

on Monday, April 8th, 2024 10:33 | by

All figures show the results for preference tests (salt/pure) conducted under red and blue light for different gal4-lines.




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Results for amon-RNAi and MB143B

on Monday, February 26th, 2024 12:17 | by

The first figure shows the results for the preference test (salt/pure) conducted with amon-RNAi only under red light.

For the next experiment I conducted the same preference test but with the split-gal4 line MB143B under red and blue light.

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Results sNPF mutants

on Tuesday, February 20th, 2024 12:52 | by

The following picture shows the results for the conducted preference tests (pure/salt) for sNPF mutants. All Experiments were performed under red light.

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Category: Larve | No Comments

Results for MB+DANs and MB054B

on Monday, September 25th, 2023 11:07 | by

The first experiment tested the activation of KCs with simultaneous ablation of pPAM which showed the following results:

Green: UAS-ChR2-XXL; LexAop-rpr x 58E02-LexA; H24-Gal4

Lightgrey: UAS-ChR2-XXL; LexAop-rpr x H24-Gal4

Darkgrey: UAS-ChR2-XXL x 58E02-LexA; H24-Gal4

The next experiment was conducted with the split-Gal4 line MB054B (DAN-f1/DAN-g1) and showed the following:

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Optogenetic stimulation of DANs

on Saturday, September 2nd, 2023 11:09 | by

With the focus on dopaminergic neurons, I conducted two experiments with two different driver lines to see how the naive gustatory behavior in Drosophila larvae is affected.

The first cross I tested was R58E02-Gal4 x UAS-ChR2-XXL, which gave me the following results:

As seen in the figures, there was no effect under blue light.

For the second experiment I crossed TH-Gal4 x UAS-ChR2-XXL with these results:

With this experiment, there was an effect on gustatory behavior as there is a clear significant difference between the experimental group and the control group.

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Preferences with higher salt concentration

on Monday, August 7th, 2023 12:46 | by

The following plots show the results after I increased the salt concentration from 1,5M to 2,5M. It shows that the difference between the control groups and experimental group are not significant anymore.

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Pure vs Sugar Preference results

on Monday, July 24th, 2023 9:24 | by

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Pure vs salt preference results

on Friday, July 7th, 2023 12:57 | by

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Preference results: pure vs salt

on Monday, June 26th, 2023 1:45 | by

The first plot of each group show my results from the week before, and the ones beneath show the final results for red and blue light, after filling the sample size up to 20n.

Red light:

for comparison, this plot shows the control groups for the remaining 8n I had left separately:

Blue light:

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