Salt Avoidance under blue & red light

on Monday, February 17th, 2025 11:25 | by

First trial of (UAS-ChR2-XXL x MB143B) salt avoidance under blue and red light.

Gustatory preference results of Canton S larvae

on Monday, January 27th, 2025 11:46 | by

Results show the gustatory preference for Canton S larvae under blue light. Positive PIs indicate a preference for the first named side of the petri dish e.g. positive PIs in Zucker-Pure group show larvae preferred the side of the sucrose substituted agarose gel.

CantonS first trial, gustatory preferences

on Monday, December 2nd, 2024 3:01 | by

Category: Larve | No Comments

Results for Dop1R1-RNAi, Amon-RNAi and the course data

on Tuesday, May 21st, 2024 8:11 | by

Firstly, I did an experiment where Dop1R1 was knocked down via RNAi. The following shows the results:

For the next experiment, the controls groups were the same, however in the experimental group Amon was down regulated. These are the results:

Lastly, in the course the data for the larvae experiment was collected only under blue light, so I used the same crossings and tested them under red light to use as a control.

Results for MB145B, SS01716 and SS02180

on Monday, April 8th, 2024 10:33 | by

All figures show the results for preference tests (salt/pure) conducted under red and blue light for different gal4-lines.




Results for amon-RNAi and MB143B

on Monday, February 26th, 2024 12:17 | by

The first figure shows the results for the preference test (salt/pure) conducted with amon-RNAi only under red light.

For the next experiment I conducted the same preference test but with the split-gal4 line MB143B under red and blue light.

Results sNPF mutants

on Tuesday, February 20th, 2024 12:52 | by

The following picture shows the results for the conducted preference tests (pure/salt) for sNPF mutants. All Experiments were performed under red light.

Category: Larve | No Comments

Results for MB+DANs and MB054B

on Monday, September 25th, 2023 11:07 | by

The first experiment tested the activation of KCs with simultaneous ablation of pPAM which showed the following results:

Green: UAS-ChR2-XXL; LexAop-rpr x 58E02-LexA; H24-Gal4

Lightgrey: UAS-ChR2-XXL; LexAop-rpr x H24-Gal4

Darkgrey: UAS-ChR2-XXL x 58E02-LexA; H24-Gal4

The next experiment was conducted with the split-Gal4 line MB054B (DAN-f1/DAN-g1) and showed the following:

Optogenetic stimulation of DANs

on Saturday, September 2nd, 2023 11:09 | by

With the focus on dopaminergic neurons, I conducted two experiments with two different driver lines to see how the naive gustatory behavior in Drosophila larvae is affected.

The first cross I tested was R58E02-Gal4 x UAS-ChR2-XXL, which gave me the following results:

As seen in the figures, there was no effect under blue light.

For the second experiment I crossed TH-Gal4 x UAS-ChR2-XXL with these results:

With this experiment, there was an effect on gustatory behavior as there is a clear significant difference between the experimental group and the control group.

Preferences with higher salt concentration

on Monday, August 7th, 2023 12:46 | by

The following plots show the results after I increased the salt concentration from 1,5M to 2,5M. It shows that the difference between the control groups and experimental group are not significant anymore.