Andreas Ehweiner
View ProfileFoxP in the fan-shape body
Control of general FoxP expression patter (line 104y)
Expression of 104y (green) and FoxP (red)
There seems to be no colocalisation of 104y and FoxP.
Expression of 121y (green) and FoxP (red)
Overlap of 121y GFP expression with FoxP expression is the fan-shape body.
Problems with line c205, no GFP expression.
FoxP knockout in adult flies
Knockout of FoxP in adult Drosophila, using nsyb Gal4 gen-switch line 80699. Flies were kept for two days on RU486 food.
Set-Up test
New review of the shiming-setup
Recent wtb test
There often seems to be a strong preference for a side. The laser was off.
Flies often seem to have a strong preferenc for a side. In the imiage below the top fly was punished for left torque and survived, the fly below was punished for the right torque side and died.
Trails with drift