on Friday, July 1st, 2016 10:33 | by Christian Rohrsen
This is the same experiment as I previously showed of Gr66a>Chrimson (ATR). The only difference is that the light was on for the whole experiment, so that the flies could see the light before the entered the arm. Previously the light switched on once the fly went into the arm. The phenotype is much stronger (there is some classical component in it). I was trying to reinforce left or right turns but it does not seem to work after a bit trying out. It makes sense ecologically I think, that the right or left turns are not coupled to the reinforcement systems. I also have been thinking about the CS-US relation bitter taste-turn directions does not make sense ecologically, but maybe if instead of bitter, I apply pain or heat …it could work. I was thinking of reinforcing orientation as well as a speed threshold, or any other variants. What do you think? I would appreciate some ideas. Since I want to make sure about what am I measuring: operant/place/classical…
Category: neuronal activation, Operant learning, Operant reinforcment, Optogenetics
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