Luisa Guyton

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Verification TH-C-AD;TH-D-DBD

on Monday, September 11th, 2023 9:52
Confocal images with anti-GFP and anti-Brp staining of TH-C-AD;TH-D-DBD > mCD::GFP fly brains: A: 4 PPM 2 DANs per hemisphere marked with blue circles, three clusters of Kenyon cell bodies per hemisphere marked with white arrows. B: Five visible cell bodies of unidentified neurons marked with a blue circle in the left hemisphere. The neurons project into the lobula plate and the medulla. Strong fluorescence of cell bodies of the Kenyon cells projecting into the Mushroom bodies is visible. C: Unidentified neurons projecting into structures outside of the optic lobes especially the ventral lateral protocerebrum.

Line verification SS56699

on Tuesday, August 29th, 2023 7:50

After dissecting brains from the GAL4 driver line SS56699 with GFP staining and finding no fluorescence, I dissected them again and the immunohistochemical staining showed fluorescence. To check that the correct neurons were stained, I compared the images with the image in the paper by Hulse et al (2021; . The three PPL1 dopaminergic dorsal fan-shaped body tangential neurons per hemisphere are stained, but there are some additional unidentified neurons (presumably PPM1 neruons) visible.

Hulse, B. K., Haberkern, H., Franconville, R., Turner-Evans, D., Takemura, S.-y., Wolff, T., Noorman, M., Dreher, M., Dan, C., Parekh, R., Hermundstad, A. M., Rubin, G. M., & Jayaraman, V. (2021). A connectome of the Drosophila central complex reveals network motifs suitable for flexible navigation and context-dependent action selection. eLife, 10, e66039.

Joystick Results for 2-minute-testing

on Tuesday, May 30th, 2023 1:31

The following figures show the results of the joystick test using the same test line as before. In addition, the flies were fed not only ATR but also 3IY (3-iodo-L-tyrosine), an inhibitor of dopamine synthesis. This was done to determine whether the previously observed effect was due to dopamine alone and could therefore be suppressed by the inhibitor, or whether other factors also influenced the flies’ behaviour in the joystick test.

Red light Joystick Results

on Monday, April 3rd, 2023 12:33

Yellow light Joystick Results

on Monday, March 27th, 2023 11:57

Red light Joystick Results

on Tuesday, March 14th, 2023 8:57
The box plots show the performance indices (PIs) of each fly as one dot for each minute of the test and for the pre- and post-test periods. Values between 1 and -1 indicate preference for or avoidance of the light.
The light used is red and has an intensity of 400 to 470 lux, the LEDs have a voltage of 7.5 volts. The control flies observed seem to show a stronger effect than in previous tests, which could be due to the use of a thinner fishing line (0.6 mm), which is easier to place correctly in the clamp of the joystick machine.
For the negative and positive control we used the line norpAP24;Gr28bd+TrpA1>Chrimson.