Performance index for modelling for data in the Y-mazes

on Monday, July 23rd, 2018 5:30 | by Christian Rohrsen

This are the performance indices for the different models performed to estimate the valence of the dopaminergic clusters. AIC: Akaike Information Criteria; BIC: Bayesian information Criteria; LogLikelihood: log Likelihood estimation

lm: linear model

+ int: taking double interaccions into consideration

b lm: bayesian linear model with bayesglm function

b lm MCMC: bayesian linear model with MCMCglm function

nlm: nonlinear model with lm function with splines fitted

b nlm: splines fitted to each cluster and MCMCglm function

GAM: general additive model with gam function


Adding double interactions seems to produce better models, nonlinearities also make models better and frequentist also. To me it seems like this  data might be noise and therefore adding interactions, nonlinearities and frequentist methods is just fitting the noise better (overfitting) and that is why I get better scores with them. In addition, care needs to be taken since I use different functions that calculate the model performance scores differently (although the formulas are theoretically the same for all!)

Category: neuronal activation, Operant reinforcment, operant self-learning, Optogenetics

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