GRIP on inter event intervals from Buridan
I post these figures here ; we discussed in last meeting about these figures
GRIP on Inter event intervals of Buridan output data ,,, time threshold method,
Inter activity interval
Inter pause interval
CC mail
Would be nice If I could have CC of mails about general discussions such as lab meetings etc.,Thanks !
C105232 Gal4 GRIP analysis
I took the poisson dataset from Maye’s published data and GRIP showed this result. However in the publication
yaxis range in poisson process is very low. I post the results of C105232 Gal4 lines in the next figure that shows
ISI close to poisson.
GRIP analysis on Buridan activity data(TT)
I am receiving GRIP results with NaN (no number available for at least 28 flies and Infinitive for the few more) and I checked twice. I
Basically I am extracting inter event intervals and had it run by GRIP to see the level of randomness.GRIP is based on decimal extension of pi.
sorry for separate posts !
Yaw spike frequency here, seems TNT has some effect on it.
The following figure shows the computer generated correlated Buridan walk data. I extracted inter event parameters and used GRIP on them. We had plans to use this data as a control group., However it appears to be well above the poisson process. I really wonder what to use as control, I will generate may be poisson process myself within some xlimit, ylimit and can try,, Any ideas would be appreciated ?
GRIP on ISI of C105 Gal4 torque
Middle one is the TNT expressed on Gal4. Rest of them are controls; Y axis values are high than usual but highly variable as one would see in error bar. 0 value in the y axis would be the ideal randomness.
C105-Gal4 S-Map results
Here I post the S-Map results of the C105 gal4 lines crossed with TNT. Its part of the double line c105-c232 Gal4 that showed phenotype. Seems tetanus has some effect. C105-C232 Gal4 slope range was around 0.005.
N – 34, 37, 29 respectively
Rest of the analysis on the way !
sathish update
I was running office by office to get different certificates and forms for visa and unemployment benefits. I am testing C105 gal 4 lines presently. Its better I post the final results. Rest, as usual writing thesis side by side.
Article please ?
Can someone get me this article plz ?
Chaotic Versus Stochastic Dynamics: A Critical Look at the Evidence for Nonlinear Sequence Dependent Structure in Dopamine Neurons
Thanks !
c105 Gal4 test
Currently I am testing C105-Gal4 line and two groups seem to fly so weak(8/24 so far). I will be testing them until I have reasonable number.
Alongside, writing results and nearing completion on this chapter (thesis).But yet to prepare quality figures.
By the way, tag cloud is awesome !