Bianca Birk

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Update: Phototactic Flexibility (OA-Neurons)

on Monday, January 11th, 2016 12:34

Figure 1 shows the results of the tbh-subgroups screen, tested at RT and 24 h later at 32°C.

All genotypes with n=8, expect tbh(39942) x Shi^TS (n=4).



Fig 1: tbh subgroups screen

Update: Phototactic Flexibility (OA Neurons) & “Stainings”

on Monday, December 21st, 2015 1:10

Figure 1 shows the newest results of the screen of the tbh-subgroups.

tbh21.12 - Copy

Fig. 1: tbh-subgroups tested at RT and 32°C


In addition I dissected brains of these flies.

C2-tbh_GFP_39940.lif - Image002

Fig 2: 39940 x GFP (nucl)


C2-tbh_GFP_41306.lif - Image002

Fig 3: 41306 x GFP (nucl)


C2-tbh_GFP_48333.lif - Image014

Fig 4: 48333 x GFP (nucl)


C2-tbh_GFP_45904.lif - Image006

Fig 5: 45904 x GFP (nucl)


C2-tbh_GFP_46972.lif - Image008

Fig 6: 46972 x GFP (nucl)


C2-tbh_GFP_47755.lif - Image002

Fig 7: 47755 x GFP (nucl)


As a next step I’ll compare my “stainings” to the ones from flybase.


Update: Phototactic Flexibility (OA Neurons) & “Stainings”

on Monday, December 14th, 2015 1:07

I started testing some more tbh-GAL4-subgroups. In Fig. 1 you see all tbh-subgroups, the last 5 in the graph are the newest trials (n=2).



Fig. 1: tbh-subgroups screen


Moreover I dissected some more brains.

C2-tbh_GFP_46970.lif - Image003

Fig 2: tbh(46970) x GFP (nucl.)


C2-tbh_GFP_48332.lif - Image006

Fig 3: tbh(48332) x GFP nucl





Update: Phototactic Flexibility (OA Neurons) & “Stainings”

on Monday, December 7th, 2015 12:47

In Fig 1 you see the results of the tbh – subgroups screen.

Furthermore I plotted them in a dot plot. (Fig. 2 and Fig. 3)


Fig.1 tbh subgroups screen



Fig 2. tbh subgroups tested in September and October



Fig. 3 tbh subgroups tested in November and December


Moreover I dissected some brains which I crossed to GFP (nucl.)



Fig4. tbh-48331 x GFP (nucl)


C2-tbh_GFB_39941.lif - Image016

Fig 5. tbh-39941 x GFP (nucl)


C2-tbh_GFP_39939.lif - Image008

Fig 6. tbh-39939 x GFP (nucl)



C2-tbh_GFP_39942.lif - Image006

Fig. 7 tbh-39942 x GFP (nucl)



C2-tbh_GFP_47756.lif - Image013

Fig 8. 47756 x GFP (nucl)




Phototactic Flexibility (OA neurons) – Update & ‘Staining’ of tbh

on Sunday, November 15th, 2015 1:30

Phototactic Flexibility

These are the newest results of the tbh-subgroups screen.



Fig 1: tbh-subgroups tested at RT and 24 h later at 32°C


‘Staining’ of tbh subgroup 46970

I crossed tbh-46970 to GFP (nucl), dissected the brains and mounted them (No antibodies were used).


Fig 1: 46970 x GFP



Fig 2: 46970 x GFP


Phototactic flexibility (OA neurons)

on Sunday, November 8th, 2015 8:40

I tested some more tbh-GAL4 subgroups. Figure 1 shows the newest results of the screen.

Because of the weird results, we decided to make crossbreedings the other way around. For the last crossbreedings I took virgins of the UAS-Shi^TS and males from the tbh-GAL4 subgroups, now I take virgins of the tbh-GAL4s. So in two weeks the first crossbreedings will hatch and I will test them.



Fig. 1: tbh-subgroups tested at RT and 24 h later at 32°C. All tbh-GAL4 were crossed to Shi^TS virgins


Phototactic flexibility (OA neurons)

on Monday, November 2nd, 2015 12:17

I tested some more tbh-GAL4 crossed to shibire^TS. These are the newest results of the screen.


Figure 1: tbh-GAL4 subgroups tested at RT and at 32°C (n(39939, 46970) = 4; n(47756,48331) = 3; n(39941,39942) = 2)


Phototactic flexibility (OA neurons) & Staining of ChaG80;ThG4

on Monday, October 26th, 2015 2:49

Phototactic flexibility

I continue testing the tbh-Gal4 subgroups and tbh-lexA.

Figure 1 shows the newest results of tbh-lexA (n=6)

Figure 2 shows the newest results of tbh-Gal4 (tbh48331, tbh46970 n=3, tbh39942 n=1, rest with a n of 2)



Figure1: tbh-lex A tested at RT -> 32°C -> RT




Figure 2: tbh subgroups tested at RT and 32°C



I practiced the dissections of brains for stainings. So I fixed the flies for one hour in PFA 4% , then I dissected the brains, washed them a few times with PBST and after it I mount them with vectashield.

Figure 3 shows a picture of a brain of a Cha-Gal80;TH-Gal4 x GFP (nucl.) flie.


Figure 3: Staining: Cha-Gal80;TH-Gal4 x GFP (nucl.)



Phototatic flexibility

on Wednesday, October 7th, 2015 11:00

I want to know which octopaminergic neurons are involved in the phototactic switch after wing clipping. So I started with a screen for some subgroubs of tbh-GAL 4. After testing the flies in RT with a T-Maze, I tested the same flies again in 32 degree. I expect, that wingless flies go to the light, so the Choice Index should increase. The Figure 1 shows the results of only 2 experiments (39942-tbh-GAL4 only one experiment).




Figure 1: tbh-subgroups tested at RT and 32°C