Strokelitude – Final Work
on Monday, April 15th, 2019 2:41 | by Miroslav Stojic
Final Stats (flew more than 8min/out of):
– Wild type: 14/17 (82%)
– ElavGal4 x UAS-Ryr 28919: 3/13 (23%)
– ElavGal4 x UAS-Ryr 65885: 13/100 (13%)
Wild Types:
ElavGal4 x UASRyR 65885
Category: Spontaneous Behavior, strokelitude, WingStroke | No Comments
Strokelitude – New Findings and Recordings (1.-7. Apr.)
on Monday, April 8th, 2019 1:14 | by Miroslav Stojic
Last week (1.-7.Apr 2019) we noted how many flies want to fly more than 8 min and here is the result (only the ones we noted):
– Wild type: 8/9 (88%)
– ElavGal4 x UAS-Ryr 28919: 3/12 (25%)
– ElavGal4 x UAS-Ryr 65885: 6/35 (17%)
Trace (Downsampled 5) Graphs of Recordings
Wild type:
ElavGal4 x UAS-Ryr 28919:
ElavGal4 x UAS-Ryr 65885:
Category: crosses, Spontaneous Behavior, strokelitude, WingStroke | No Comments
Strokelitude 5 New Rec
on Monday, April 1st, 2019 2:54 | by Miroslav Stojic
New Findings:
Elav-Gal4 x UAS-SERCA 44581 flies => Lethal before adulthood! (in all 5 vials so far)
Category: crosses, Spontaneous Behavior, strokelitude, WingStroke | No Comments
Confocal images and boxplots from my results in strokelitude
on Tuesday, May 15th, 2018 12:26 | by Christian Rohrsen
Confocal image MAX stack of one of the brains at 20x
and at 40x
In this link we have a video of a 3D stainning pattern zoomed_CC
In addition I add here teh boxplots from the final results of the Ping Pong ball setup with these experiments
Category: Anatomy, flight, Spontaneous Behavior, strokelitude, WingStroke | No Comments
quality test before strokelitude experiments
on Monday, January 29th, 2018 12:40 | by Christian Rohrsen
Some traces from this week just so that you have an idea how do they look like. To me they are not the optimal traces I expected. But one can see some signal there. I will start the screen hoping to get enough good traces without too much work.
what do you think is the best quality control for accepting a trace for the analysis or not. I was thinking the 3D mapping gives a good hint but without quantification.
In addition I was writting to Andi Straw to solve the issue of running two cameras in the same computers, but now answer
Category: crosses, flight, genetics, Spontaneous Behavior, strokelitude, WingStroke | No Comments
Nonlinear signature of Drosophila in Strokelitude
on Monday, March 14th, 2016 1:48 | by Christian Rohrsen
This is now the results from trying to predict the fly behavior doing ensembles of two predictions for the next 200 data points at two different points of the traces.
From what we see here, there is no “flattening” in the prediction of the fly when the neurons under c105 and c232 are targeted by TNT. This is done with around 14/15 flies for each group with two predictions in each ensemble of the two starting points. That makes a total of 15flies x 3 groups x 2 starting points for prediction x 2 predictions per ensemble = 180 prediction traces. Now I´m trying to calculate it by making correlations of bins in the prediction-observed for the same fly
Category: R code, Spontaneous Behavior, strokelitude, WingStroke | No Comments
Measuring Wingstroke Amplitude with Strokelitude (V)
on Monday, December 14th, 2015 2:42 | by Pablo Martinez
For a further data analysis, we should have a minimum number of samples. During the last week, I have been measuring the wingstroke amplitude of the flies, to get at least 10 samples of each one(two controls and the experimental line). Here three examples of the different lines:
Males WTB x C105;;C232 (control)
Males UAS-TNT-E x C105;;C232
Males UAS-TNT-E x WTB (control)
Category: flight, Spontaneous Behavior, strokelitude, WingStroke | No Comments
Measuring Wingstroke Amplitude with Strokelitude (IV)
on Monday, December 7th, 2015 2:56 | by Pablo Martinez
After getting good results in the measurement of the wingstroke, and solving problems with the sampling intervals (image below). I have started to measure flies for the experiments.
The time between samples was different depending on the background programs running on the background:
Figure 1
More differences in time within samples when more programs are running at the same time as strokelitude (3nd 1/3 of the plot), when just the display of the camera is running( 1st 1/3 of the plot), and everything shut down(2nd 1/3 of the plot).
The differences among sampling intervals was bigger but with an adjustment of the data, Christian Rohrsen managed to changed. The time between two samples could arise until 1.7 seconds and with the correlation, the time is not bigger than 0.05 seconds.
The strains of flies used fore the experiments are:
UAS-TNT-E, that express the tetanus toxin in the neural cells, using GAL4 system. Being Used as a control.
c105;;c232, that contains a promotor region to express the toxin. Being used as a control.
And the cross between both to have the expression of the tetanus toxin.
Some data from the control flies (UAS-TNT-E):
And some data of the spikes:
Category: flight, Spontaneous Behavior, strokelitude, WingStroke | No Comments
Measuring Wingstroke Amplitude with Strokelitude (III)
on Monday, November 23rd, 2015 2:59 | by Pablo Martinez
After the measurements of this week, I get better results in the trace of the fly;
With the corresponding trace exerpt with the spikes of the figure above (1)
and two more from other flies:
Category: Spontaneous Behavior, strokelitude, WingStroke | No Comments
Measuring Wingstroke Amplitude with Strokelitude (II)
on Monday, November 16th, 2015 2:52 | by Pablo Martinez
After the results in tracing of the flies from last wee. This week I’ve improved detection of the wings and the care of the flies. The results seem similar to the flight of a fly. Attached we find the trace Downsampled of the best four flies I got:
Category: Spontaneous Behavior, strokelitude, WingStroke | No Comments