Interpolations and Spike analysis
on Monday, December 7th, 2015 2:42 | by Christian Rohrsen
This is just a proof of concept how useful the interpolation is for this purpose: and I would say it´s almost useless. If I delete from the raw data (1st graph) some pieces (2nd graph), and I make a spline interpolation (3rd graph) it doesn´t match that well. Linear interpolation was done in previous weeks with not much of a success. Anyway, the result of a linear interpolation can be imagined by eye just by joinning the two ends with a straight line, and this doesn´t occur in the fly behavior as we can see in the raw data (1st graph).
There could be two posibilities for spike detection: one is the one from Ute and the other one is the one from Maye. It seems to me that the one from Maye is more precise. I have run the script but I do not get so many spike detections as he gets. I did try several thresholds for spike detection and doesn´t change very much. So I have to work more on it to see what is really the important factor for a proper spike detection
Category: flight, R code, Spontaneous Behavior, strokelitude, WingStroke
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