First PPM2 T-Maze results for 10 min testing
on Monday, January 20th, 2025 12:57 | by Daniel Döringer
PPM2 flies showed light-avoidance in T-Maze experiments when tested in yellow light for 1 minute. In the JoyStick setting, where flies are tested for 10 one-minute periods flies displayed a shift from negative (light-avoidance) values in the beginning to no preference in the last training period. For this reason I started a set of T-maze experiments where flies could decide between light and dark tubes for 10 minutes. Since control flies were not available for this experiment but were testet in the 1-minute T-maze setting in parallel, they are not included yet.
Category: Optogenetics | No Comments
JoyStick results for 13.0273 and SIFa
on Monday, January 20th, 2025 11:05 | by Daniel Döringer
13.0273 (Red)
For all Figures the left side displays all 10 testing and training periods for the JoyStick experiment. The right side compares the PIs of the last training period between the groups. Graphics indicate whether red or yellow light was used.
13.0273 (Yellow)
SIFa (Red)
SIFa (Yellow)
Category: Optogenetics | No Comments
T-Maze CIs and JoyStick Last Training PIs for yellow and red light.
on Tuesday, January 7th, 2025 1:45 | by Daniel Döringer
Strain | DA neurons | Reference |
SS56699 | PPL1-FB | Hulse et al. eLife 2021 |
TH-D-DBD; TH-C-AD | PPM2 | Xie et al. Cell Reports 2018 |
TH-FLP-p10; 64H06 | PPM3 | Xie et al. Cell Reports 2018 |
The left-hand side of the figure displays the choice indices (CIs) for the different groups tested for 1 minute in the T-Maze setting. On the right-hand side, the preference indices (PIs) for the final training period in the JoyStick setting are shown. Since flies of the TH_Flp_p10;64H06 line were not blind, they could not be tested in the T-Maze setting. The upper part of the figure refers to experiments conducted with yellow light, while the bottom part to experiments with red light, as indicated by the graphics.
In previous posts I referred to the different dopaminergic neurons (DA neurons) with the names of the driver lines used for the crossings. The table below the figure connects the fly strains to the targeted neurons and gives the reference. Gr28bd+TrpA1 target heat sensing neurons and acted as a control, since flies expressing the chrisom channel in these heat sensing neurons would avoid light activation. Flies were fed with all-trans retinal (ATR) for 2 days before the experiments, to enable light activation of the targeted neurons. For the negative control ethanol was used.
In the T-Maze experiments, flies were tested for 1 minute without prior exposure to light, whereas the JoyStick results reflect preferences after nine 1-minute training periods. Therefore, the T-Maze experiments should be repeated using longer testing periods. Additionally, PIs from the initial training periods in the JoyStick experiments will be included to allow for better comparison.
Hulse et al. eLife 2021:
Xie et al. Cell Reports 2018:
Category: Optogenetics | No Comments
FENS poster (link for students)
on Thursday, February 14th, 2019 11:21 | by Christian Rohrsen
Category: Uncategorized | No Comments
Update: Looking for the DA & OA neurons involved in phototactic flexibility
on Wednesday, October 7th, 2015 11:35 | by Axel Gorostiza
These are the newst results of my screen. There are some interesting candidates, but it’s still too soon to conclued something.
Update of the DA screening. New experiments are in red (25°C) and blue (32°C).
Experiment finished.
Category: wing clipping | No Comments