New experiments on Rover/Sitter larvae

on Monday, December 7th, 2020 12:29 | by

Testing new tracking software: Kinovea

Barplot of the distance of the Canton-S WT larvae of last week. There is no big difference compared to the tracking with Biotrackr.

Food patch experiments on old Rover/Sitter larvae

ForS and ForR larvae raised on new food. There is a bigger difference between the groups.

Distance tracking of old Rover/Sitter larvae

The larvae were filmed for one minute. Larvae that reached the edge of the petri dish before one minute were discarded.
Video recording was started as soon as the larvae started moving.

Distance tracking of larvae

on Monday, November 30th, 2020 11:57 | by

Testing of the tracking and R Code

1) Small paper ball to simulate a larva, attached to a black string, and moved 2 cm by hand. 2) Measuring the pixel distance of a known real life distance (1 cm). 3) Plot of x and y coordinates shows trajectory of the object. 4) Bar plot of the real life distance shows that tracking and the R code worked .

Distance tracking of Canton-S wild type larvae

1) Larva on agar plate dyed with activated charcoal 2) Barplot of the distance of the Canton-S WT larvae

Problem finding the video time

Output of the csv file of the BioTracker.

New evaluation of the Rover/Sitter larvae

on Thursday, November 5th, 2020 12:34 | by

Control Group 1 has a higher density of larvae compared to Control Group 2.

Percentage of Sitter and Rover larvae, who stayed on the first food patch after 20 minutes.

Course Evaluation

First evaluation of the Rover/Sitter larvae

on Monday, November 2nd, 2020 11:17 | by

I have tested 514 larvae from the forR/forS Control Group and 480 larvae from the forR/forS Crowded Group. Here are the results:

Here you can see the first Control Group I have tested 2 weeks ago. In total 203 larvae were tested (ForS: 101, ForR 102). Rover larvae left the food patch moren often, however there is only a small difference between the Groups: 4,95 percent of the sitter larvae and 8,82 percent of the rover larvae left the first food patch after 20 minutes.
Here you can see the second Control Group, which had a lower density compared to the first Control Group. 311 larvae were tested (155 sitter, 156 rover). Again rover larvae left the food patch more often than sitter larvae, however there is only a small difference between the groups. 14,19 percent of the sitter larvae and 19,87 percent of the rover larvae left the first patch. Interestingly both groups seemed to leave the first food patch more often compared to the first control group with a little bit higher density.
Here you can see the entire ForS/ForR Control Group (256 sitter larvae, 258 rover larvae). 10,55 percent of the sitter larvae and 15,50 percent of the rover larvae left the first food patch after 20 minutes.
Here you can see the entire ForR/Fors Group under crowded conditions. 236 sitter larvae and 244 rover larvae were tested. 9,75 percent of the sitter larvae and 5,33 percent of the rover larvae left the food patch A after 20 minutes.
Here the entire rover/sitter Control Group and Crowded Group were compared. 13,04 percent of the rover and sitter larvae from the Control Group left the first food patch whereas only 7,50 percent of the entire larvae from the Crowded Group left the first patch. So at least there seems to be an effect of the forage competition/food quality on the foraging behaviour.
This effect seems to come nearly exclusively from the forR Group.