TH-F1 anatomy
on Monday, December 7th, 2015 2:22 | by Axel Gorostiza
I am starting to study in more detail the genotypes that were positive in the DA screen. One was the TH-F1. Here I show the anatomy. I had several problems with the old confocal. I will try to use only the new one.
Category: Anatomy, wing clipping | No Comments
Phototactic flexibility – Neural substrates
on Monday, November 23rd, 2015 2:29 | by Axel Gorostiza
In order to find which dopaminergic and octopaminergic neurons are related to light preference and the switch on it seen after clipping the wings, I decided to use a tool called CaLexA.
Here we can see my first attempt to use it. We can see the CNS from TH>CaLexA flies with and without wings.
I did not see any special signal in the brains, but I still have to play around a little bit more.
With Wings
Without Wings
Category: Anatomy, Biogenic Amines, wing clipping | No Comments
“Virtual brain” site
on Saturday, March 2nd, 2013 4:00 | by Christine Damrau
Arnim Jenett (Janelia Farm Research Campus), Kazunori Shinomiya, Kei Ito (both Tokyo University), and other anatomists made a great site with a 3D-viewer of adult Drosophila brains available. You have the chance to scroll threw a whole mount stack while ticking different brain areas. Those brain areas are listed next to the stack. Different areas are coloured differently, so that you can look at the location of several areas in the same brain. On the main page you can find simply explained tutorials about the usage of the site. It is correlated to the anatomical search engine of the Janelia farm GAL4 collection.
Because it was very helpful to me to learn all the synonyms of relevant areas and because I think it is very helpful to learn more about the structure of the Drosophila brain in general I wanted to advertise the site here.
Category: Anatomy, open science | 1 Comment