Optogenetics in Photopreference
Here, I present you the results of using Blue light for photopreference and adding a pulsed Red light. These experiments are controls required for using Optogenetics to study Photopreference. I used the Blue light at different intensities, and calculated the Choice Index (CI) and the proportion of flies in each tube of the T-Maze (White: Bright, Black: Dark, Grey: Elevator).
Starting with optogenetics in photopreference
I am thinking of using optogenetics to study the neural substrates of photopreference. Here I present some controls that I have to do before starting. This is a T-Maze with blue light instead of with light.
Problems solved? (photopreference)
These are the last controls I needed in order to be sure everything wrong was gone. They are not the best, but I think they show some clear results.
Yellow: Room Temperature
Green: 32°C
Some controls for the photopreference Troubleshooting
To find the source of the problems I have seen in the T-Maze, I use lines from our stock and tested them in the T-Maze. This were reared at 25°C.
DA clusters and Photopreference
Here is an update on the evaluation of the DA clusters in Photopreference.
Update on DA & photopreference
I am still testing different GAL4s in order to find out the dopamine clusters involved in photopreference shift. Here are some new results.
Photopreference shift and DA (new and old GAL4s)
Here I present new data on the GAL4s I have been testing. I also retested some previous ones. I had troubles with the shiTS/+ control, so the N has not chance since the last time.
Behavioral Test on DA-GAL4s
I am currently testing different dopaminergic GAL4s in order to validate previous results from my initial screening. Here I can find the results for one of those GAL4s
TbH-LexAs and TDC2-Gal4 comparison
I recently combined the two TbH-lexA lines (54954 & 54075) with CD8GFP, and the TDC2-GAL4 line with CD8RFP, in order to compare their expression patterns. Here I present some of the dissections. The confocal is not working properly, but it is relatively good to draw some conclusions.
TDC2>GFP and anti-TβH (Scholz’s Lab)
TDC2>GFP (Gerber’s Lab)
anti-TDC2 (Goodwin’s Lab)
DA neuronal populations and photopreference (counting neurons)
After refining my DA screening, I end up having three interesting GAL4s which lead to changes in photopreference after expressing Shibire and rising the temperature. What I am trying to do now is to understand if they label the same neuronal population or not.
Genotype | PAM | PAL | PPM1 | PPM2 | PPM3 | PPM4 | PPL1 | PPL2 | VUM |
thF1>GFP | 0 | 0 | 0,25 | 3,75 | 4,25 | 0 | 3 | 0,75 | 0 |
thF1;C’>GFP | 0 | 0 | 1 | 7 | 5 | 0 | 2,5 | 5,5 | 1,5 |