EMD with ICA to one sample of torque trace

on Monday, March 19th, 2018 2:35 | by Christian Rohrsen

Trace segment from Maye et al. 2007 in the uniform arena


Trace after filtering by selecting the first 8 IMFs (intrinsic mode functions) from EMD (empirical mode decomposition). Since the signal should be quite clean I do not take out the first IMFs. The last IMFs, however, are too slow and change the baseline to much

Some examples of the IMFs obtained from EMD:

Since this is separating behavior adapting to the data intrinsic time scales I am now thinking of analysing with the SMAP algorithm to see if the behavior is more or less nonlinear at certain time scales.

In addition, I have thought of using ICA (Independent component analysis), that is an algorithm famous for the blind source separation problem by extracting the most independent signals from the input signals (in this case the IMFs which are different time scales of the behavior). So the ICs should consist of mixes of different time scales that are correlated together and thus belong (but not necessarily) to the same action/movement module/… Here a few ICs (from 10). My idea is that muscles might coordinate independently between ICs but coordinated within ICs. However to prove that is not that easy I guess

Category: flight, R code, Spontaneous Behavior

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