Julien Colomb
Contact Info
julien.colomb{at}fu-berlin.de | |
Tel. | 03083851860 |
Biographical Information
After performing my PhD thesis by R.F. Stocker in Switzerland on "the chemosensory system of Drosophila larvae, anatomy and behavior", I moved to Paris in Thomas Preat's lab in 2007 (FNS grant). I worked on appetitive olfactory learning and sugar motivation. In 2009, I moved here in Berlin. My main project is to find The what and where of operant self-learning (FNS grant). My experience in the study of sugar motivation allowed us to strengthen the lab participation in a "Forschungsgruppe" on biogenic amines. Part of the project is indeed to tackle the octopaminergic subsystem involved in starvation induced sugar responses. In addition, I got involved in several side projects on the analysis of walking behavior and phototaxis (see projects section).
- Does starvation-resistance in flies without octopamine explain differences in sucrose response?
- Hide if you can't fly? Behavioral flexibility in Drosophila
- Using R to analyze data from Buridan's paradigm