update on self learning&longterm memory
on Monday, April 3rd, 2017 1:44 | by Weitian Sun
longterm test:
1 from sitter, 8 from wtb, 3 from rover (total N = 12)
mean(test): 0.248 SD(test): 0.7
Longterm test Control
1 from sitter, 2 from rover (N=3)
mean(test):-0.386 SD(test):0.79
Two Sample:
Based on 50%(20%) of statistical power, the minimum sample size is 7 (17)for both group.
One Sample (assume control group has the average of PI is 0):
Based on 50% (20%) of statistical power, the minimum sample size is 22 (49)for both group.
Self learning test:
sitter N=5
wtb N= 4
Category: Operant learning, operant self-learning
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