PPM2 T-Maze results for 10 min testing
on Monday, January 20th, 2025 12:57 | by Daniel Döringer
PPM2 flies showed light-avoidance in T-Maze experiments when tested in yellow light for 1 minute. In the JoyStick setting, where flies are tested for 10 one-minute periods flies displayed a shift from negative (light-avoidance) values in the beginning to no preference in the last training period. For this reason I started a set of T-maze experiments where flies could decide between light and dark tubes for 10 minutes.
In the red light 1-minute test setting flies did not show avoidance of light as strong as in the yellow light setting, but still tendencies for avoidance were observable. Therefore another set of 10-minute experiments will also be conducted with red light.

Update 03.02.25: Added more flies to the experiments and included some control flies.
Update 09.02.25: Added more flies; excluded all experiments where combined number of flies in light, dark and elevator tube was less than 30. Also added first red light results.
Category: Optogenetics
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