Strokelitude – Final Work

on Monday, April 15th, 2019 2:41 | by

Final Stats (flew more than 8min/out of):
– Wild type: 14/17 (82%)
– ElavGal4 x UAS-Ryr 28919: 3/13 (23%)
– ElavGal4 x UAS-Ryr 65885: 13/100 (13%)

Wild Types:

ElavGal4 x UASRyR 65885

Strokelitude – New Findings and Recordings (1.-7. Apr.)

on Monday, April 8th, 2019 1:14 | by

Last week (1.-7.Apr 2019) we noted how many flies want to fly more than 8 min and here is the result (only the ones we noted):
– Wild type: 8/9 (88%)
– ElavGal4 x UAS-Ryr 28919: 3/12 (25%)
– ElavGal4 x UAS-Ryr 65885: 6/35 (17%)

Trace (Downsampled 5) Graphs of Recordings

Wild type:

ElavGal4 x UAS-Ryr 28919:

ElavGal4 x UAS-Ryr 65885:

Strokelitude 5 New Rec

on Monday, April 1st, 2019 2:54 | by

New Findings:

Elav-Gal4 x UAS-SERCA 44581 flies => Lethal before adulthood! (in all 5 vials so far)

Elav-Gal4 x Ryr 65885
Elav-Gal4 x Ryr 28919
Elav-Gal4 x Ryr 28919
Elav-Gal4 x Ryr 28919
Elav-Gal4 x Ryr 28919