Julien Colomb

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can we link news to specific projects?

on Friday, April 15th, 2011 7:19

it would be good to link news and projects, to have the news appearing on the main page and on the project page.


on Thursday, April 14th, 2011 6:15

the new home page looks much better indeed!



first flight simulator experiment

on Wednesday, April 22nd, 2009 5:34

While Bjoern is in Hawaii, I used the flight simulator.

I got sufficient good flies to do 4 experiments. That’s really encouraging that the majority of the flies survived, kept their hook and flew for more than the 20 minutes required!

The other side of the coin is that I did not had any learning effect, and fly do not even avoid the punished side during the training phases: it seems something’s wrong with the laser. I bet that there is a very important trick I don’t know about the laser alignment…

but Everything will work!

things progressing

on Friday, March 13th, 2009 12:52

after one week, the pattern of my work here start to emerge: flies are ordered, crossings are planned, and a beautiful side project (waiting for the new flight simulator) is planned:
establish appetitive olfactory learning in Berlin.

My last post-doc dealt with appetitive learning, I would love to do one last control experiment in Berlin with a new protocol. The use of a H-maze will be more “hand-made” paradigm, but if it works well, it may well be developed further…

nice time to come…

Monday, I will present my project(s)… have to work on it!

new arrival

on Thursday, March 5th, 2009 4:23

That’s it. I am finally at the bench, working in Berlin. what else to say? Future looks great… present already is. Krrrrraaaaasssssssss