Food manipulation, starvation and density experiment
on Monday, March 1st, 2021 12:41 | by Simon Benmaamar
1. Food manipulation new

2. Starvation

Control: larvae were taken directly out of food and tested. Sucrose: larvae were allowed to roam freely for 2 hours in a 6 cm petri dish containing 350 µl of 0,2 M sucrose added to a piece of Kim wipe and then were tested. Starved: larvae were allowed to roam freely for 2 hours in a 6 cm petri dish containing 350 µl of 0,2 M dH20 added to a piece of Kim wipe and then were tested.
Distance by time plot

3. Density

Standard: about 15 female flies per vile. Low Density: about 5 female flies per vile. High Density: about 30 or more female flies per vile.
Category: Rover/Sitter
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