can we link news to specific projects?

on Friday, April 15th, 2011 7:19 | by Julien Colomb

it would be good to link news and projects, to have the news appearing on the main page and on the project page.


4 responses to “can we link news to specific projects?”

  1. I don’t think it’s a good idea to clutter the projects page with news – nobody will know what’s a project and what is news!

    • Julien Colomb says:

      but then there will be no history of the project, and the idea to upgrade the project does not make much sense. we will then have to write an project update and a news post?

  2. The newsposts show the things that happened between project updates. The projects don’t need to show any progression, they’re just there to show the current status of the project. I have installed a plugin which allows interested parties to follow any update, post or project via RSS (I hope this plug-in will work with the projects, it is meant to work with ‘pages’).
    If you want to follow the different events of a project with a single click, you click on the category of the blog post, which gives you all the posts concerning a particular project.

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