Drosophila Time Series Project Data Evaluation Sheet
for time series data set: “rutabaga vs. wtb in closed-loop color learning”
1. Metadata:
Description: Comparison of rutabaga mutants and wild type ‘Berlin’ flies in closed-loop blue-green color learning, requiring angle-integration Experimenter: Anders Eriksson; ORCID:0000-0001-7824-7650 Experiment duration: 14M 0S
2. Experimental Design:
3. Torque Histograms:
PKG sitter
wild type Berlin
4. Position Histograms:
PKG sitter
wild type Berlin
5. Fourier Spectrum Analysis
6. Performance Index bar plot with SEM:
7. Performance Index box&dotplot with notches:
8. Performance Index box&dotplot without notches:
9. Performance Index Violin Plot:
10. Statistical Tests of single groups against zero: