Sathishkumar Raja

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GRIP on inter event intervals from Buridan

on Monday, December 10th, 2012 3:52

I post these figures here ; we discussed in last meeting about these figures

GRIP on Inter event intervals of Buridan output data ,,, time threshold method,

Inter activity interval



Inter pause interval




Category: buridan | 2 Comments

CC mail


Would be nice If I could have CC of mails about general discussions such as lab meetings etc.,Thanks !

Category: personal | 2 Comments

C105232 Gal4 GRIP analysis

on Saturday, December 8th, 2012 10:34

I took the poisson dataset from Maye’s published data and GRIP showed this result. However in the publication

yaxis range in poisson process is very low. I post the results of C105232 Gal4 lines in the next figure that shows

ISI close to poisson.




GRIP analysis on Buridan activity data(TT)

on Thursday, December 6th, 2012 11:29

I am receiving GRIP results with NaN (no number available for at least 28 flies and Infinitive for the few more) and I checked twice. I

Basically I am extracting inter event intervals and had it run by GRIP to see the level of randomness.GRIP is based on decimal extension of pi.

Category: buridan | No Comments


on Wednesday, December 5th, 2012 7:01

sorry for separate posts !

Yaw spike frequency here, seems TNT has some effect on it.

The following figure shows the computer generated correlated Buridan walk data. I extracted inter event parameters and used GRIP on them. We had plans to use this data as a control group., However it appears to be well above the poisson process. I really wonder what to use as control, I will generate may be poisson process myself within some xlimit, ylimit and can try,, Any ideas would be appreciated ?

GRIP on ISI of C105 Gal4 torque


Middle one is the TNT expressed on Gal4. Rest of them are controls; Y axis values are high than usual but highly variable as one would see in error bar.  0 value in the y axis would be the ideal randomness.

C105-Gal4 S-Map results


Here I post the S-Map results of the C105 gal4 lines crossed with TNT. Its part of the double line c105-c232 Gal4 that showed phenotype. Seems tetanus has some effect. C105-C232 Gal4 slope range was around 0.005.

N –  34, 37, 29 respectively

Rest of the analysis on the way !


sathish update

on Thursday, November 29th, 2012 4:21

I was running office by office to get different certificates and forms for visa and unemployment benefits. I am testing C105 gal 4 lines presently.  Its  better I post the final results. Rest, as usual writing thesis side by side.

Article please ?

on Monday, November 26th, 2012 2:50

Can someone get me this article plz ?

Chaotic Versus Stochastic Dynamics: A Critical Look at the Evidence for Nonlinear Sequence Dependent Structure in Dopamine Neurons

Thanks !

c105 Gal4 test

on Wednesday, November 21st, 2012 8:34

Currently I am testing C105-Gal4 line and two groups seem to fly so weak(8/24 so far). I will be testing them until I have reasonable number.

Alongside,  writing results and nearing completion on this chapter (thesis).But yet to prepare quality figures.

By the way, tag cloud is awesome !