Gaia Bianchini

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Role of dopaminergic neurons in operant behaviour

on Friday, July 27th, 2018 3:54

Positive Control: Gr28bd-G4, TrpA1-G4

Parameters: Light: intensity (500 Lux side, 1000 Lux bottom); frequency = 20Hz; Delay = 1 ms; Duration = 9.9 ms; volts = 6.4

Red lines: completed

mb025b: not selected against tubby

T-Maze experiments : screen results as on 16-07-2018

on Monday, July 16th, 2018 1:32

Results of the T-maze screen analysis, both individual and combined.

Yellow 1 (Positive Control): Gr28bd-G4, TrpA1-G4

Parameters: Light: intensity (500 Lux side, 1000 Lux bottom); frequency = 20Hz; Delay = 1 ms; Duration = 9.9 ms; volts = 6.4

T-Maze experiments : screen results as on 02-07-2018

on Monday, July 2nd, 2018 2:09

Yellow 1 (Positive Control): Gr28bd-G4, TrpA1-G4

Light: intensity (500 Lux side, 1000 Lux bottom)

frequency = 20Hz

Delay = 1 ms

Duration = 9.9 ms

volts = 6.4

Initial screen results

on Monday, June 18th, 2018 1:15

Yellow 1 (Positive Control):  Gr28bd-G4, TrpA1-G4

Light: intensity (500 Lux side, 1000 Lux bottom), frequency (20Hz)